TAIL LIFT DAUTEL offers tail lifts for almost every use. From light 300 kg tail lift for vans to 1000 to 2000 kg-types in different designs to 3000 kg heavyweight. We find the right tail lift for every use.TIPPERS We also offer a complete product range of dumpers. From 2 t capacity to 20 t capacity we serve from our rich construction kit system. We are also glad to realize client… Got to result...
Oleh Petrov Director Purchasing T +49 (0)7131 407-130 oleh.petrov(at)dautel.de Chris Epple Strategic Purchasing T +49 (0)7131 407-133 chris.epple(at)dautel.de Heike Volz Strategic Purchasing T +49 (0)7131 407-134 heike.volz(at)dautel.de Tobias Bischoff Operative… Got to result...
OUR COMPANY VALUES Dautel GMBH is a family owned company, which produces lifters and dump beds for commercial vehicles and accessories for municipal vehicles. We engineer, sell, and produce our products ourselves. Our products are always of the highest quality, and are designed for professional use that lasts the vehicle's lifetime and maintains low operating… Got to result...
QUALITY POLICY OF DAUTEL Our ulitmate ambtiton is the completion of customer wishes! Our long-term success can be correlated to this. We create a relationship based on trust with our customers. Together we can achieve a steady improvement of functionality and quality of our products. We always have the ambition to develop, produce, sell and supervise customer-oriented,… Got to result...