With the LIFTERFLEX, DAUTEL LIFTER DL 1500S to 2000S can be mounted on HGVs with trailer coupling and with BDF interchangeable bodies of various lengths, e.g. C715 and C745. The DAUTEL LIFTER is not rigidly attached to the HGV frame, but is hydraulically adjustable and movable. The SLIDERFLEX combines the advantages of DAUTEL SLIDER and DAUTEL LIFTER accessible and standard design. Loading and unloading on ramps is possible. The foldable platform is made into a rigid ramp by means of a special locking mechanism, transit weight max. 1,000 kg, optionally 1,500 kg. The platform is mounted on HGVs with box bodies.
The DAUTEL SLIDER is a horizontally accessible tail lift with a foldable platform for HGVs with a large overhang. This makes the user independent of local loading units. With its large platform, DAUTEL SLIDER is the perfect loading system for forwarding agents, transport operations and distribution transport, box or drop-sided bodies can be loaded directly on the ramp or loading bays with fork lifts or pallet trucks. The platform pack is hydraulically extended from under the body and the leading edge of the platform is easily unfolded by hand with the help of spring loading.
The DAUTEL SLIDER is a horizontally accessible tail lift with a foldable platform for HGVs with a large overhang. This makes the user independent of local loading units. With a large platform of up to 2,020 mm and super loading capacity of 2,500/3,000 kg with a very large load centre of 960/800 mm, the DAUTEL SLIDER is the perfect loading system for heavy loads for forwarding agents, transport operations and distribution transport. Its handling is the same as the DAUTEL SLIDER DS 1500/2000VA.